Gaining results on using cdVet products in real life poultry farming
1. Location
– Lower Saxony Northern Germany
2. Type of birds
– Broiler chicken
3. Total volume of the farm population
– Contains of a total 160.000 birds
4. Age
– An average age of 40 days
5. Mortality rate
– An average of 4.17%
6. Clinical signs
– Respiratory signs (coughing and sneezing), breathing through mouth
– Digestive issues as well, greenish brownish diarrhea, mainly coccidiosis
7. Conditions of the barns:
– Building of ammonia vapors due to poor ventilation
– Wet bed in the barns due to poor manure management
8. Daily intake
– Average daily feed intake on a cycle: 105 gr/ day/ bird
9. Weight at slaughter
– An average of 2,63 kg
Results of the TurboB® and Enterovet® application on site:
1. Clinical signs
– Dismissed
2. Better conditions in the barns:
– Better ventilation ammonia build up controlled
– Better manure management, dry straws in bed area
3. Daily intake
– Average Daily feed intake on a cycle: 120 gr/ day/ bird
4. Mortality
– Decreased to 3.09%
5. Feed conversion
– Increased feed conversion and final body weight from 2.628 gr to 2.795 gr
6. Weight at slaughter
– An average of 2,79 kg